@yndajas Twitter archive

This is an archive of tweets from the now-deactivated @yndajas account.

Click on the permalink for any tweet to open it in a dedicated page and see the full thread (only my tweets) where applicable.

These days, you can probably find me on Instagram, Mastodon (low output), Letterboxd, or GitHub. You can also check out my 'simple website', which might well be very outdated!

Was just in a lift with William/Bill Labov that stopped on the fourth floor. Someone excitedly laugh-uttered "fourth floor". Bill looked like he'd heard it all before. #NWAV47
Take clothes from @hm women's section to dressing room; told men's upstairs. Not in mood to say "I'm not a man", I utter "these are from this section". Man (?) replies "some of the women are uncomfortable". Nothing changed since @travisalabanza @Topshop ordeal? @CissexismDaily
Gender *is* real. "Socially constructed" does not mean unreal. "Real" is not limited to that which is rooted in biology or physical manifestation*

Language is socially constructed. Is language real?

* sidenote: gender can manifest physically in various ways
'Non-Binary Lives: An Anthology of Intersecting Identities' is out 21 April. I have a chapter about transfemme stuff. Available for pre-order #nonbinary

Edited by Jos Twist @GenderBen @megjohnbarker @mixosaurus

Image description/more words on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Fmrf2Fyav
Whaaaaat? The biggest conference in my field and I get these comments from reviewers. Shiiiit. Take that imposter syndrome! Validation. Looks like I'm going to New York for the second time this year, representing @QMULLinguistics once again!
Delighted to announce upcoming academic/activist conference "Gender in the Contemporary World: Articulation, Navigation and Change": https://contemporarygender.wordpress.com #contemporarygender

Featuring @travisalabanza @GenderBen @megjohnbarker and 15 others!

3 March @QMUL @QMULLinguistics
Adding my gender when the option isn't provided and passive aggressively bolding it #nonbinaryduties @CissexismDaily
'Britain mourns a monster – because he was a king. Richard III’s burial was absurd' | @pollytoynbee

Is your gender corporate? Spotted on @Better_UK. Not spotted on @Better_UK: an option for my gender or my title... @CissexismDaily
A call from @kirbyconrod for sociolinguists to go out and collect examples of third person pronouns in "natural" use so they can explore these four types of variation. How? Get people to talk about each other! I'm in(terested)! #LavLang25 #LavLang25
"Bisexuality is not a four on a one to seven scale" and bi speakers are worth researching in isolation from (not just in relation to) other sexuality categories - Chloe Willis from @UCSB_Ling. Yes! #LavLang25
I'm queer² and research queer and genderqueer speech. People interested in queer/non-binary linguistics hit me up #RainbowRollCall
Thank you @ITV for offering "Mx" as a title and making non-binary people feel more welcome in using your services! @CissexismDaily
If your only message supporting pride events and other queer/LGBTQ+ stuff is centred around love then you haven't really thought about the breadth of the community those terms represent.

It's not all about love, nor even love and gender.

It's Trans Day of Visibility. Document bad shit @CissexismDaily. Today I was hypervisible in a dress at a wedding reception, highly gendered context difficult if not cis-passing but today a good experience with supportive friends. More on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhAKBXMnchD/ #TDoV
If new identity-related categories/labels/words sound weird to you, just keep saying them and you'll get used to it. That's how words work.
Can I prefer to tell you I'm non-binary, @Sony? @CissexismDaily
Vinay Swamy (@Vassar) on viability of gender-neutral language in heavily bigendered French; pronouns; discussion of @AssignedMale #LavLang24
Hey @okcupid, I wasn't "born" a gender - I was assigned one. Can you change this question? @CissexismDaily @BeingTonOKC
When reporting LGBT/MOGAI/GRSM/queer issues, best not use generic "his or her" @nytimes @jwpetersNYT @CissexismDaily https://donotlink.it/KWwx
I look at neoliberalism, asexual/aromantic linguistic innovation, what lies beneath the language (what are we really attracted to?) and how the language could better reflect this in an inclusive way.

Disclaimer: I don't have the answers, only thoughts. Written in 2018. [4/4]
Great practice for minute/notetaking - providing pronouns after names/roles. Useful as reference guide for future audiences @CissexismDaily
Looking forward to presenting new angle on MA work later, representing @QMULLinguistics. Now for similar work from @ZacBoyd_ #LavLang24
Can you offer "Mx" for non-binary people and others @bookingcom and make the field optional please? Forced lying isn't fun @CissexismDaily
Quite like the wording of the gender and sexuality monitoring on this @QMSU @redbrickteam survey. Maybe imperfect, but a good step forward.
How much of C/conservative ideology can be attributed to the influence and hegemonisation of toxic masculinity? (In particular the glorification of toughness and viewing empathy as weakness.)
Not feeling the power to challenge this, I proceeded upstairs and into next changing room. Told men's section on the other side, though this time I was let in if *I* was comfortable (given information that it was quite busy).

I even shaved for you @hm *eyeroll* @CissexismDaily
I'm guessing this is used for marketing purposes, but either way you need to recognise non-binary people @ASOS. It would be great to move away from conceiving clothes as gendered, but for now how about two separate fields: gender and "show me", which can be "both" @CissexismDaily
Excited to see the launch of this fantastic zine on toilets and related issues around disability, gender, professional welfare etc! My own article on conveying gender neutrality (transculturally) is on pages 35-38 (36-39 according to Issuu)! #cctoilettalk https://twitter.com/cctoilettalk/status/957999718625357825
Oh, and it's all open access. [5/4]
Policies that deny users the right to change usernames can result in deadnaming trans users who've changed their name. This poses many problems, not least potential outing. Time for a change, @PlayStation @PlayStationUK @AskPlayStation @AskPS_UK? @CissexismDaily
Love the idea of a (social) proximity effect on misgendering from @scordoban, the metaphor of a thousand paper cuts (I think of it as a sucker punch), and the visual representation @scordoban conceptualised and I helped prettify for a previous co-presentation! #LavLang25
A whole panel on non-binarity and pronouns - how exciting! Featuring @kirbyconrod Jordan Tudisco @MaliHH @scordoban #LavLang25
Thanks for the "Other" (though "Mx" would be nice), @EveryoneActive, but why do you need to distinguish between "Doctor (female)" and "Doctor (male)"? And what about non-binary doctors? @CissexismDaily
... don't use generic "he or she" at all, but particularly salient/ironically bad in queer contexts @nytimes @jwpetersNYT @CissexismDaily
Love that fact that, as a gay man, this is my favourite track on @BigBoi's new album: She Said Ok (Explicit): http://youtu.be/ORw8pOOyx7s